Formed in 201 the reThink Wood initiative is North America’s online source for the use of wood construction material in buildings. Learn all about light wood frame construction and how it is used to make timber frame homes. By downloading any file to your computer, you are accepting and . The timber construction industry works using environmentally-friendly and sustainable.
Depending on the construction, different wooden structures are used. Modern wood construction is characterised by more use of prefabrication, shorter construction times, a more meticulous planning process and quality assurance . Most wood products are used by the construction sector.
Wood is used not only in structures, windows, doors and finished surfaces but also at construction sites . CMHC offers a range of housing-related information. For details, call 1-800-668-26or visit our . C-C-20is a 388-page catalog with product information and applicable specification and installation instructions for over 0wood-to-woo . Simpson Strong-Tie connectors offer unmatched quality and are backed by our uncompromising commitment to customer service.