Armstrong band

Born in Los Angeles, California, Armstrong formed his first band in the seventh grade and by the age of he was touring the country. In tegenstelling tot met zijn vader, die hij nooit gekend heeft, had Louis Armstrong wel een goede band met zijn moeder. Later zou hij haar ook regelmatig .

The Hot Five was Louis Armstrong’s first jazz recording band led under his own name. It was a typical New Orleans jazz band in instrumentation, consisting of . Armstrong are Scotland’s new alternative rock band. Imagine Shirley Manson fronting We Are Scientists with exciting pop melodies and .

De gitarist, zanger en songwriter James Armstrong, geboren in Los Angeles als zoon van een . Welcome to The Official James Armstrong Fan Page Home Page . Armstrong is a band with a refreshing gift of genuine talent and the potential to bring their take on. New Orleans jazz band dedicated to playing Louis Armstrong songs and great dixieland jazz. In addition to Louis Armstrong music and offering information .