Reactive Resins produce sell a wide variety of epoxy resin products for a range of uses including flooring. Sika is a leading specialist manufacturer of a range of epoxy resin flooring coatings ideal for a wide range of applications. A resin floor offers a resilient and seamless solution for both domestic, office and retail.
The epoxy HQ resin floor is an industrial floor, ideal for production halls, . Epoxy Floors are a well-known name for a screed. However, real epoxy floors have many environmental disadvantages and . Our epoxy floor paints are suitible for both domestic and commercial use.
If you looking for a resin paint for garages or an epoxy coating for industrial purposes . Flowcrete Australia offers a wide variety of commercial industrial flooring. Choose from epoxy resins, industrial floor coatings and decorative resins to name a . Epoxy resin floor coatings provide hard wearing surfaces which are ideal for most industrial environments and can be used where a seamless resin flooring . The advantage of epoxy resin floors is that they are chemical-proof. They are best fitted to food and paharmaceutical industry buildings, as well as hospitals, . A place to share photographs and pictures. Feel free to post your own, but please read the rules first (see below), and note that we are not a .